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“Golden Ticket” Award For HEPHAISTOS From Amgen France And BioLabs Hôtel-Dieu

“Golden Ticket” award for HEPHAISTOS from Amgen France and BioLabs Hôtel-Dieu

December 10th, 2024

HEPHAISTOS-Pharma has the honor to be a winner of a Golden Ticket from Amgen France x BioLabs Hôtel-Dieu in Paris.

We have won one year of free residency at BioLabs Hôtel-Dieu and personalized mentorship from Amgen experts to accelerate the development of our innovative project and create synergies.

We would like to thank the jury members for their time, expertise and feedback. Their contributions are very useful for us to understand the pharmaceutical needs and to define the clinical strategy:

Special thanks to the BioLabs France Team for welcoming us and organizing the event Christophe Tallec and Johanna Michielin.

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