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We are developing

Tomorrow’s immuno – modulators oncology therapy
A single platform for defeating cancer and much more.

A single platform for defeating cancer

We are HEPHAISTOS-Pharma

A preclinical stage Biotech company developing the next generation of oncology treatments that will boost the immune system to treat incurable cancers.

One need, one mission :

Immunotherapies have shown impressive results in the past years, by treating cancers like never before. Unfortunately, success level are still very low and only 10% of patients can be cured today.

Our mission is to take Immunotherapy to the next level of efficiency by stimulating patients’ immune response and turning hidden “cold” tumors into “hot” targets for our immune system.



Frederic CAROFF

MSc Centrale Paris, MBA Essec, Biotech Manager, Business Developer, Industrial scale up expert

Jerome-Kerzerho-NB-190x190 (1)


Preclinical Development Manager
PhD, Immunologist, Collaborative project manager, Immuno-oncology expert.

Simon PIco 2 NB

Simon PICO

Business Developer
MSc, MBA EMLyon, Biotech Ecosystem expert, Business Angel



CMC Manager
PhD, Head of Research Ability. Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry expert.

Board Members

Florian Denis portrait

Florian DENIS

Investment Director

Ingrid Kelly portrait

Ingrid KELLY

xista Science Ventures



CEO and Founder

Frederic Schynts copie

Frederic SCHYNTS

Independant Consultant

Scientific Advisory Board


Martine CAROFF, Chief Scientific Officer

DSc., Former Academic Research director, TLR4 agonist biochemistry expert. Founder and inventor of the technology. EU Woman Innovators Prize 2019.


Pr. Charles Dumontet,
Deputy Director CRCL Physician in Hematology. Oncology KOL.

Pr. of Hematology in University of Lyon Deputy Director CRCL. President of the Clinical Research and Innovation Department and also Vice-President of Research at HCL

jean-yves-blay NB

Pr. Jean-Yves Blay,
General Director at the Centre Léon Bérard, Oncology KOL.

President of the French Federation of Cancer Centers Unicancer, coordinator of European Reference Network on rare adult cancers, EURACAN


Dr. Nathalie Garçon, Consultant, Adjuvant KOL

PharmD. PhD. Former CEO at BIOASTER, Former Vice President, Head of the Adjuvant and Technology Innovation Center at GSK Vaccines, 2014 Stanley Plotkin Award for lifetime achievement in vaccines

Market Needs

Turning cold tumors into hot tumors

Only 10% of current immunotherapies are successful
Need for stronger and safer immuno-modulators
to turn cold tumors into hot tumors and improve cancer therapy

Innovation & advantages

Onco-Boost platform

ONCO-Boost is the First-In-Class Immunostimulant injectable intravenously, able to treat metastatic and hardly accessible cancer like Osteorsarcoma

Mechanism of Action

Mechanism of Action (MoA)


will stimulate monocytes, and dendritic cells to recruit and mature other immune defenses like CD4 T Cells, CD8 T Cells and macrophages.

Antibody (mAb)

will block friendly recognition pathways between Tumor cells and host Cells allowing immune defenses to see Tumors as targets to destroy.

All together

By recruiting and stimulating immune cells, ONCO-Boost enables the treatment of tumors that were not previously sensitive to mAb’s action and opens the way to treat incurable cancers.


Immuno Oncology

ONCO-Boost Immunotherapy

Human Vaccine

VAXI-Boost natural adjuvant


HEPHAISTOS secures €10.3 M to reach the clinical stage

HEPHAISTOS-Pharma welcomes Elaia to complete its Seed Round,…

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Frederic CAROFF will attend BIO Europe Spring in Barcelona

Our CEO, Frederic CAROFF will be attending BIO-Europe…

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HEPHAISTOS-Pharma secures a €2 million seed round

HEPHAISTOS-Pharma secures a €2 million seed round with…

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HEPHAISTOS Laureate of the SANOFI Golden Ticket mRNA

  🏆 We are pleased to announce that…

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Clusters & Partners

Financial Supports

HEPHAISTOS-Pharma is financed by the European Union FEDER regional fund

HEPHAISTOS-Pharma is financed by the WILCO Healthcare startup cluster.

HEPHAISTOS-Pharma is financed by the European Union and aims at becoming a breakthrough innovative Biotech in oncology, reaching clinical Phase 1 within 2 years. The ONCO-Boost project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 868937

HEPHAISTOS-Pharma’s academic partner CRCL is financed by the Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Grand Lyon Metropole and the CLARA Canceropole.






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